marker2140 Ruth Avenue, CA marker(530) 541-5105 marker[email protected]
marker(530) 541-5105

South Tahoe Refuse
and Recycling Services

Curbside Collection

South Tahoe Refuse has transitioned to semi-automated cart collection for our residential customers. Select your state below to get all the info you need on the new system.

Choose your state! 

What Goes Where?

Type the name of a waste item and we will tell you where and how to recycle or dispose of it.

Or to find your pickup day, begin typing your address in the calendar search bar below, and click the address that matches your closest living address.

Reduce. Reuse. Recycle.

Sustainability is the ability to meet the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. It’s a balancing act, but everyone can do their part. Think reduce. It’s a step toward Zero Waste and reduced greenhouse gasses. Less demand means less stress on the environment to provide for us now, as well as future generations.

Recycle Rate


Green waste Composted annually

15,000 tons

materials diverted from landfill annually

100,000 tons

Our Latest Updates

Easy, Reliable, Green

Recycling Buy-Back Center

Receive cash for aluminum, glass and plastic.

Buy Back location

2192 Ruth Ave South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150

Pay your bill online

Sign in to your account to make a payment.

get in touch

Have any questions? Contact us!

Service Alert

Attention El Dorado County Residents: Important Yard Waste & Recycling Pickup Changes!

We’re updating our yard waste and recycling pickup schedule to improve efficiency.

The first yard waste pickup will be the week of March 31st, and an additional recycling pickup will take place the week of March 24th.

Note this is for County customers only. City of SLT residents will maintain their current schedule. 

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