renewable energy
South Tahoe Refuse Investigates New Clean Energy Technology to Offset Fossil Fuels
Net Metered Gasifiers Generate Heat & Electricity, Offering 24/7 “Always-On” Renewable Energy Using Local Wood Waste

New Clean Energy
South Tahoe Refuse (STR) is exploring the installation of a 125-250kW wood waste gasifier at its South Lake Tahoe facility. Gasification has been around since the early 1800’s – instead of burning, chemical reactions turn the green waste into a gas that is a cleaner substitute for fossil fuels. If installed, the net metering system would offset the majority of grid electricity and natural gas used at the STR site by using 10% of the wood waste currently collected by STR, and reduce traffic and emissions from transporting waste material out of the Basin by over 70 truckloads each year.

Figure 1: Waste woody material is currently collected, processed, and stored at STR until it is transported to Nevada for disposal. Material is sourced from defensible space thinning and C&D waste.

Figure 2: Wood energy gasifier systems offer an alternative to disposing of waste wood, and are common in mountain towns throughout Europe. Pictured is a 135kW biomass gasifier system in the South Tyrol region of Italy, near the Dolomites.
In November 2022, STR received approval from the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency (TRPA) to allow for a permitting application to be submitted as a pilot project for the area. The project will need to go through the regular permitting process to seek project approval.
STR is now working with our team to develop a permit application which will include a more extensive environmental analysis.
Woody biomass material is currently being generated in the Tahoe Basin from fuel reduction treatments and defensible space thinnings meant to reduce the risk and impacts of wildfire. A portion of that material is already collected at the STR facility, processed into wood chips, and transported 50 miles roundtrip out of the Basin to Nevada for disposal as compost. A net metered biomass system at STR would use about 10% of the woody material STR currently collects and processes, offsetting over 70 truckloads of wood chips out of the Basin each year. This will reduce truck traffic and associated greenhouse gas emissions. In addition, as a renewable energy resource that is available 24/7, the gasifier will provide increased energy resilience for STR operations.
Gasifiers act like a conventional generator, but use wood gas instead of fossil fuels. Gasification is not combustion – instead, biomass is “baked” in the absence of oxygen to create syngas, which is passed through a filter to reduce particulates before entering a generator and producing electricity and heat. Systems have very low particulate emissions and no visible smoke from the stack, with some amount of NOx similar to other generators. No water is required, and waste byproducts include a small amount of ash and tar.

Figure 3: Comparison of annual criteria pollutant emissions between a 125kW waste wood gasifier and a representative Tier 3 125kW diesel generator.
Net metered wood energy systems can be located wherever there is a moderate energy load and at least 1/10th of an acre is available for equipment. STR is an ideal location to pilot such a system in the Tahoe Basin, since woody material is already collected at the STR facility, processed into wood chips, and transported 50 miles roundtrip out of the Basin.

Figure 4: The proposed gasifier system will be located adjacent to the existing STR facility, and will cause no increase to the property footprint.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is Woody Biomass?
Where will woody material come from for the pilot STR project?
Isn’t there much more woody material being generated in our area from fire mitigation activities that should be sent somewhere? What impact will this small project have on landscape goals for forest restoration?
What does wood energy have to do with healthy forests?
What makes South Lake Tahoe a good region for wood energy? We have…
What are the air quality impacts?
What impact do wood energy projects have on GHG emissions?
How do wood energy technologies compare to other renewable energy technologies?
What type of wood energy technologies are out there?

Figure X: In Plumas County, CA, a 400kW (thermal) boiler with a 35kW (electric) Organic Rankine Cycle supplements geothermal heating for the Health & Human Services Center, and net meters electricity to the grid.

Figure X: Some wood energy systems can be containerized for easier installation in remote areas, like this 125kW gasifier in Scotland.

Figure X: Wood energy is common for district energy in mountain towns, like this facility in Lech Austria that provides heat to over 400 properties, including hotels and ski lodges.
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- Jones, Greg et al. “Forest treatment residues for thermal energy compared with disposal by onsite burning: Emissions and energy return”. USDA and US Forest Service.
- Jung, Yoohyun, and Paula Friedrich. “Maps: How Prescribed Burns and Other Treatments Helped Curb Caldor’s Growth.” The San Francisco Chronicle, The San Francisco Chronicle, 21 Sept. 2021.
- Kittler, Brian A. “Biogenic Carbon Emissions and Bioenergy Systems: A Brief Literature Review”. Pinchot Institute for Conservation.
- Matek, Benjamin and Karl Gawell. “The Benefits of Baseload Renewables: A Misunderstood Energy Technology.” Science Direct, 7 Mar. 2015.