Food Waste
Good news! The food waste drop-off location has moved to the STR Recycle Buy-Back Center at 2192 Ruth Ave. for expanded days and times! Food waste will be accepted at the Buy-Back Center Tuesday through Saturday from 9:00am to 4:00pm. Additional program details are below.
We are also offering one free food waste bucket per household. If interested please stop by the STR office at 2140 Ruth Ave.
Thank you for helping to keep organic waste away from the landfill!

How to Drop Off Your Food Waste
View the video to discover the simplicity of delivering food waste to South Tahoe Refuse.

Important Details of the Program
Opening Hours and Location
Tuesday through Saturday, 9am – 4pm
Recycle Buy-Back Center, 2192 Ruth Ave. – No charge for STR customers
Customer Type
Now open to commercial customers that have solid waste service with STR (up to 20 gallons per week) as well as residential customers. You may be asked to verify your service address. Commercial customers will be required to provide the business name and address.
What type of waste do we accept?
Food only! No trash, paper, “compostable” material, or anything other than food. All types of food scraps are acceptable (dairy, meat, peels, pits, bones, etc.)
Limit per week
The limit is 5 gallons per residential customer per week, 20 gallons per commercial customer. We suggest bringing it in a bucket or reusable container (bags are ok too, we’ll have a separate container for them).